1. By Killarney's lakes and fells,Gedruckte Beschriftung der Rückseite:
Em'rald isles and winding bays,
Mountain paths and woodland dells,
Mem'ry ever fondly strays.
Bounteous nature loves all lands,
Beauty wanders ev'rywhere,
Footprints leaves on many strands,
But her home is surely there.
Angels fold their wings and rest
In that Eden of the west:
Beauty's home, Killarney,
Heav'n's reflex, Killarney.
2. No place else can charm the eye
With such bright and varied tints,
Ev'ry rock that you pass by
Verdure broiders or besprints.
Virgin there the green grass grows,
Ev'ry morn Springs natal day;
Bright hued berries daff the snows,
Smiling Winter's frown away.
Angels often pausing there
Doubt if Eden were more fair:
Beauty's home, Killarney,
Heav'n's reflex, Killarney.
Printed in Saxony.
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