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Edward Elgar | Born June 2, 1857. Died February 23, 1934. | Largely self-taught, Elgar was the son of an | organist. His father held the position at St. | George's, Worcester, for thirty-seven years, and his | son succeeded him; but in 1889 he moved to London. | Very early in his career, Elgar became known as an | accomplished violinist and orchestral conductor; he | lived at first by teaching the violin. In his pursuit of | musical knowledge, he went through various books on | harmony and orchestration, learning much from | Mozart's "Thorough Bass" School, and Parry's | articles in Grove's Dictionary. It is of interest that he | ruled a "fulled score," with the same numbers of measures, | and for the same instruments as Mozart's G minor | Symphony; then filled it in with his own new material – | a valuable but onerous exercise. |
Although compelled to retire to Malvern, on account | of ill health, in the height of his career, Elgar ac- | complished much. In the field of Oratorio, he was the | greatest composer of his period; witness The Dream of | Gerontius and The Apostles. His chamber music and | his orchestral works have all scored successes, but his | best-known number seems to be the spirited march, | Pomp and Circumstance. He was Knighted in 1904. |
From "Second Symphony"
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