Sammlung Christoph Müller-Oberhäuser ➔ Ludwig van Beethoven - Birthplace

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    Ludwig van Beethoven - Birthplace
Ludwig van Beethoven - Birthplace
Ludwig van Beethoven - Birthplace
Datierung durch Schätzung ca. 1910
Verlag / Druck / Herausgeber : Theodore Presser Co. (Philadelphia (USA))
Frankierung und Postweg

Ansichtskarte / Motivkarte
  • Karton
Verknüpfter Ort
Bonn, Beethoven-Haus (abgebildete Orte)

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Gedruckte Beschriftung der Vorderseite:
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Gedruckte Beschriftung der Rückseite:
Ludwig van Beethoven. | Born December 16, 1770. Died March 26, 1827. | "The greatest composer of Sym | phony." Born at bonn, Germany; his father | and grandfather were musicians. Beethoven said to | have been a grave, solemn boy. He began to study | music when he was five years old, and was made to | work very hard and long by his father. In 1787 he | improvised a difficult fugue before Mozart, who said, | "He will make a noise in the world some day." |
While still a young man he went to Vienna to live, | and princes and the aristocracy made much of him, and | gave him constant support. By concert playing, com- | posing and teaching, he earned a comfortable living. | In 1789 he began to grow deaf. This affliction and the | conduct of a dissipated nephew, whom he very much | loved, made him irritable and sometimes rude in his | behavior. He was a poor business manager and often | in want. He never married, and lived alone, often with- | out servants. He was passionately fond of nature and | often composed while walking. He died in Vienna. | 
A fine player, he also stands highest as a composer. | He wrote nine symphonies, many quartets, sonatas, | masses, concertos, one opera, and many small pieces | including songs. |

From Sonata, op. 26.

Abgebildete Person/ Gruppe
Ludwig van Beethoven

Sammlung Christoph Müller-Oberhäuser
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:700-2-0027082-1
Christoph Müller-Oberhäuser
CC0 1.0 (Metadaten)